Bug#267345: libapache2-mod-jk2 needs to be rebuilt to revert the apache2 ABI transition
Adam Conrad
Adam Conrad <adconrad@0c3.net>, 267345@bugs.debian.org
Mon Aug 23 00:32:48 2004
Package: libapache2-mod-jk2
Severity: serious
Well, here we are, back where we started a week ago. The apache2 LFS
transition has (sadly) been reverted, due to us spotting a few more bugs
than we were willing to deal with in the 8 day time limit we were given.
So, what this means is that your package needs to be updated. Again. We
need it built against apache2/libapr-dev (>= 2.0.50-10), which means
bumping your build-deps appropriately. Urgency should be "high", or this
is never going to work right. An example changelog entry follows:
libapache2-mod-spiffy (1.5.0-4) unstable; urgency=high
* Back out the ill-fated apache2 LFS transition.
* Remove the LFS CFLAGS that I added for the transition. Man, I
wish my apache module just used CFLAGS from apxs2 like all the
OTHER ones do, so I could skip this step.
* Bump the apache2-{threaded,prefork}-dev build-dep to (>= 2.0.50-10)
-- Adam Conrad <adconrad@0c3.net> Thu, 19 Aug 2004 03:46:11 -0600
I apologize yet again for this. We tried, we failed, we learned. We'll
be doing this against post-Sarge, but in a much more organised fashion, I
assure you, and only after we've staged things in experimental for a while
and ironed out some of the more obscure bugs (like subversion's WC-munging)
... Adam Conrad
PS: If you want me to NMU your package to back out this transition, please
let me know. I'm only sending bugs to the maintainers who actively
updated last time, with the others I just reverted my previous NMUs.
In the interest of getting this all synched and fixed before Sarge, I
will be NMUing without permission after today's dinstall. So, you have
around 24 hours to upload your own version first. :)