Bug#267853: ant: bug when symlinking jre/lib/ext with Sun's j2sdk1.4
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org>, 267853@bugs.debian.org
Wed Aug 25 01:39:02 2004
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tags 267853 wontfix
Morten Werner Olsen wrote:
> I have a problem with ant when installing Sun's j2sdk1.4 (for
> installation procedure, se item 1 in [1]). The problem seems to be
> related to that I symlink /usr/lib/j2sdk1.4-sun/jre/lib/ext to
> /usr/share/java. If I don't use this symlink, ant works ok:
Why are you creating the symlink? You really should not do this:
1. There might be conflicting versions of JARs in /usr/share/java, e.g.
commons-collections 2.x and 3.x and you don't know which one comes
first in the class path. The same happens for multiple JAXP-compilant
XML parsers in /usr/share/java.
2. The extension directory is - as the name implies - for JRE
extensions, like a library for accessing serial ports or a custom
debugger/profiler. JARs in this directory are loaded by a special
class loader because they might need additional privileges, e.g. to
access JVM internals. "Normal" classes should be loaded by the
default class loader.
> I assume that the bug is in ant, because other java-applications I use
> works just fine.
It's not a bug! Ant uses its own class loader which causes trouble when
some of Ant's classes or loaded by the special "extension class loader".
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