Bug#266273: Idea for solving JDK 1.5.0 problem
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>, 266273@bugs.debian.org
Wed Dec 1 08:21:02 2004
On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 10:24:27AM +0000, Alex Owen wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 12:02:43AM +0000, Alex Owen wrote:
> > > The problem is that the shell script stub on the self extracting binary
> > > does the wrong thing!
> > >
> > > The only way I can see to solve the problem is to patch that shell script
> > > stub and move all the setup it does to either the sun-j2sdk1.5debian
> > > package (or the postinst of the generated package).
> >
> > I've looked extensively at this issue, and these are my preliminary
> > conclusions:
> >
> > - Both the RPM and the regular self-extracting bin have the same shell
> > stub in front that unconditionally tries to update mime, install gnome
> > registry stuff, and write to /etc/.java if the username is root (even
> > in fakeroot).
> > - The shell script is too complicated to automatically patch into doing
> > the right thing, this can only be done if the exact shellscript is
> > known in advance.
> I see no problem with this! That is the way java-package works. It knows
> about certain .bin files and how to process them to make a .deb .
You mean that 1.5.1 isn't automatically working? Hm, in that case, it
could be done indeed.
But then why does java-package check on filename, and not on md5sum of
the package at hand? That'd be more reliable.
> > - Sun will probably release updates/patch releases during Sarge's
> > lifetime, so demanding a certain .bin that was at the time of sarge's
> > release available is not good
> Again I see no problem with this. The version released with sarge _would_
> require one of a limited set of specific .bin files... But then one could
> use the testing/unstable version of java-package to install later jdks on
> a sarge system. The very nature of installers for non-free software is
> that the installer lags the release of the software slightly. The benifit
> is that we collaborate and don't individually reinvent the wheel.
> One could argue that java-package be a "volatile" package (see threads on
> debian-devel in October 2004)
I don't like volatile, and in any case, java-package isn't suited for
it, it isn't volatile. It just might need to be changed if a security
issues comes up with sun's java.
> > - Ensure in mpkg-java that one is running as a regular user in fakeroot,
> > so that those changes are known to have no effect.
> For the case of /etc/.java/ stuff looking at the shell stub I seem to
> remember that if you are not root it creates the /etc/.java/ stuff
> somewhere in the JDK installation tree. So this may in effect be
> impossible.
the shell thingy looks at what id says, if it says "root", it assumes to
be root. And fakeroot makes it so. So, this works (I tested the whole
thing already this way).
> > Solution (2) might be easiest -- simply refuse to run being real root. I
> > checked with the release team, and they are okay with it.
> I see where you are getting at but I think the shell stub will do
> different bad things if not root. I think your assumption is that it does
> no bad things if it is not root.
My assumption is that is still does try the same bad things (it _thinks_
it's root due to fakeroot), but simply cannot do it since it's not
really root. This works, and is still easiest (least changes to code, so
least risk of introducing bugs).
> > I'd really like to get java-package in Sarge really-soon-now. I hope
> > that an agreement on (1) or (2) (or a 3rd alternative) can quickly be
> > achieved. I think (2) might be the fastest and fail-safest way to get
> > his package fixed. Please always Cc me on replies.
> A third option is to use a "checkinstall/installwatch" type method for
> creating the non-free deb however this would be a major change
> to the way java-package works.
And still doesn't solve the issue of how to prevent it to write to /etc
etc, as you don't want it to do so at package-build-time.
> > It'd IMHO be only a minor bug if those mime-things and gnome registry
> > stuff were not performed at all, by the way. Nice to have, but in no way
> > essential.
> I see no problem for make-jpkg to put a postinst in the generated deb (or
> the debian partner pkg for that matter) that does setup these extra
> features.
Of course, that should be done, but it's not a RC issue that it doesn't
at the moment. A patch to the bug actually adds most if not all of those
> Anyway i hope these comments are constructive.
They are, thank you.
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Jeroen@wolffelaar.nl (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)