Bug#279374: javax-servletapi2.3: FTBFS: doctranslet.DocTransletException
Steve Langasek
Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>, 279374@bugs.debian.org
Wed Dec 8 19:09:16 2004
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On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 05:16:52PM +0100, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> Thanks Steve.
> Sun, 28 Nov 2004 17:23:32 -0800,=20
> Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> wrote:=20
> > Meh, or better yet, this bug may already be fixed with the kaffe packag=
es in
> > unstable. The bug does still affect sarge (where I had first tested), =
so I'm
> > leaving it open with an appropriate tag for now; it probably needs to be
> > revisited once kaffe has been updated in testing (currently missing a b=
> > on ia64).
> First, a new kaffe package from cvs HEAD will be released this week. I
> hope it'll solve the IA64 build problem, and it'll build servlet like a
> charm.
The kaffe build failure was caused by an internal compiler error on ia64.
Do you specifically know that kaffe CVS includes fixes intended to work
around this problem? If not, Matthias' suggested fix (reducing the
optimization for the one file in question) looks like the best option.
> Second, the problem of this bug is gjdoc. I'll see if gjdoc from kaffe
> will be able to build the servlet javadoc, but anyway, I'll upload a new
> gjdoc package, but I'm waiting for upstream who is polishing it (huge
> improvements have been the last month!
Ok, I'll leave this in your hands.
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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