Bug#232592: Ant JavaCC target class missmatch
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org>, 232592@bugs.debian.org
Mon Feb 16 23:10:02 2004
Andreas Harth wrote:
> The JavaCC task for ant looks looks for JavaCC.zip, however, in the
This has been fixed in Ant 1.6: The JavaCC task now looks for
JavaCC.zip, bin/lib/JavaCC.zip, bin/lib/javacc.jar and javacc.jar in the
specified javacchome attribute (which should be /usr/share/java on Debian).
> Debian java package, the name is "javacc.jar". Additionally, the
> supplied ant task for javacc seems to invoke
> COM/sun/labs/javacc/Main
> where it should be
> org/javacc/something
This is also fixed in Ant 1.6: It now tries COM.sun.labs,
org.netbeans.javacc and org.javacc. A fixed javacc task is already in
the libant1.6-java package but I'll close this bug report when the main
ant packages is updated to 1.6.1 (hopefully in the next few days).