libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Takashi Okamoto
Sat Jan 10 06:21:01 2004
Hi Arnaud,
From: Arnaud Vandyck <>
Subject: libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 01:26:33 +0100
> I've been able to build libcommons-beanutils-java with the latest kaffe
> and ant. Can I change the build system to Stefan's ant-cdbs? and try to
> bring libcommons-collections-java and libcommons-logging-java to main so
> that much and much packages will go to main...
I tried but there were problem. Most of commons-* are depend on
commmons-logging. commons-logging is depend on log4j1.2 but log4j is
contrib. Well, I looked log4j but it use Swing and it can't be
compiled by kaffe.
So, I can't put commons-logging and commons-* into main. But use kaffe
and cdbs iscool. I'll do it.
> I know there is still a lack of the javadoc tool but I propose to stop
> providing the javadoc pages until the javadoc tool will be available or
> another solution is to make the javadoc with doxygen.
I think gjdoc is better because more similler to SUN's javadoc:)
Takashi Okamoto