Bug#222797: libpgjava: both jars with ssl
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org>, 222797@bugs.debian.org
Mon Jan 12 06:11:01 2004
Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> It seems that both versions of the library are build _with_ SSL support!
How do you know this? I just rebuilt the package and the log clearly
states that the JDBC 2.0 driver was configured without SSL support:
[copy] Copying 1 file to
[echo] Configured build for the JDBC2 edition driver with NO SSL
Also org.postgresql.Driver.getVersion() and .sslEnabled() from the JAR
both say that SSL is _not_ enabled.
> Also, I don't know why you need both j2sdk1.3 and j2sdk1.4 to build the
> libs (maybe to have ssl and without ssl).
Yes, that's the reason. I could probably hack the build system to build
a JDBC 2.0 version without SSL support on JDK 1.4 but you can't
definitely not build the JDBC 3.0 version with JDK 1.3.