libcommons-beanutils-java in main
Mark Howard
Mon Jan 12 10:49:01 2004
On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 11:31:56PM +0900, Takashi Okamoto wrote:
> I propose javadoc task to use gjdoc at ant-dev ml. My propose is
> modifing javadoc task to select javadoc implementation like javac
> task. But it is rejected because gjdoc don't implement enougth function
> to replace SUN's javadoc.
When did you propose this? Recent versions of gjdoc have supported most
of suns javadoc.
If ant supports gjdoc, the more people would use it and so it would get
support for more of javadoc.
I'd vote for applying the patches to the Debian ant packages.
.''`. Mark Howard
: :' :
`. `'
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