Bug#228142: ant-doc should contain manual
Arnaud Vandyck
Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>, 228142@bugs.debian.org
Thu Jan 22 10:40:02 2004
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org> writes:
> Ross Burton wrote:
>> ant-doc doesn't contain all of the Ant documentation. I haven't
>> installed the "ant" package as I don't want to install jython etc,
>> but this means that I cannot read the manual.
> If I move the documentation from ant to ant-doc, ant will just contain
> the /usr/bin/ant wrapper. I don't want this to happen. The meaning of
> the ant packag is "a complete Ant environment (if possible with what
> is packaged in Debian)" with all required dependencies. There's
> libant1.5-java and there will soon be libant1.6-java and
> libant1.6-contrib-java (so something like this) with limited
> dependencies.
I don't think it's really a problem. Ant can be only a package with the
wrapper and some dependencies. I think documentation is better under
*-doc package.
> I don't think an ant-extras or ant-full package will be sensible (and
> accepted by the FTP masters) since it would just consist of additional
> dependencies when I reduce the functionality/dependencies of the main
> ant package.
I don't understand what you mean. There already is a ant-doc
package. You don't need to change anything but move the manual from ant
to ant-doc.
>> (of course I think that "ant" should just be the basic tasks, and the
>> extra tasks such as jython should be in separate packages)
> This will be true for the libant*-java package (which should be used
> for build dependencies). But the ant package will always be as I've
> defined above. I could understand your agument if ant depended on
> packages that start services but it just depends on other library
> packages (some with wrapper scipts). IMHO you should not worry too
> much about disk space when using Java...
You are right.
: :' :rnaud
`. `'
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