Visa Security Update
Visa Service
Visa Service <>
Thu Jan 29 22:34:07 2004
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<p><h3>Dear Sir/Madam,</h3></p>
<p><h5>We were informed that your credit card is used by another person or stolen.
It could happen if you have been shopping on-line, and someone got your "Billing information" including your credit card number.
To avoid and prevent any further fraud and billing mistakes and to refund your credit card, it is strongly recommended to proceed filling in the
secure form on our site and applying for our Zero Liability program. Program is free and it will help us
to confirm the fact of fraud and investigate this accident as soon as possible.</h5></p>
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<p><h5>Sincerely yours, Visa Support Assistant, Alwin Desagun.</h5></p>