Bug#254447: inetlib: new upstream 1.0
Arnaud Vandyck
Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>, 254447@bugs.debian.org
Mon Jun 14 13:54:01 2004
Package: libgnuinet-java
Severity: wishlist
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Disposition: inline
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 10:18:53 +0100
From: Chris Burdess <dog@bluezoo.org>
To: classpath-inetlib@gnu.org, classpath@gnu.org
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Message-ID: <20040614091853.GA3570@bluezoo.org>
Mail-Followup-To: classpath-inetlib@gnu.org, classpath@gnu.org,
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040523i
Cc: classpathx-javamail@gnu.org
Subject: [Classpathx-javamail] inetlib 1.0 released
Reply-To: classpathx-javamail@gnu.org
Lines: 34
MIME-Version: 1.0
The first full release of GNU inetlib is now available at
You can also check out the 1.0 release version from CVS using the
"release-1-0" tag, e.g.
cvs co -r release-1-0 inetlib
GNU inetlib provides low-level clients for the FTP, Gopher, finger,
IMAP, NNTP, POP3, and SMTP protocols. It is similar in purpose to
Python's internet protocols library.
The IMAP, POP3 and SMTP clients support TLS and SASL authentication and
QOP, as well as many standard protocol extensions.
There are also URLStreamHandler and URLConnection implementations for
the ftp, gopher, and finger URL schemes.
inetlib is used by several of the GNU JavaMail providers; GNU JavaMail
and JAF were also released as 1.0 versions recently, for more
information see
Chris Burdess
Classpathx-javamail mailing list
Arnaud Vandyck
< DanielS> still, throne of blood sounds like a movie about overfiend
and virgins or some crap
-- in #debian-devel