Library dependencies

Dalibor Topic
Fri Jun 18 07:09:15 2004

Hi Stefan,

Stefan Gybas wrote:
> Hi!
> As you probably know, a lot of our library packages won't move to 
> testing because their dependencies can't be fulfiled with packages in 
> Debian. However, most (if not all) of them work with Kaffe or SableVM, 
> e.g. tomcat4 and all its library dependecies work with the latest Kaffe 
> versions.
> I have changed the dependency of libant1.6-java to "classpath-common | 
> java1-runtime | java2-runtime" in the latest package. I think we should 
> change all library dependencies to either
> classpath-common | java1-runtime | java2-runtime
> (if the library only requires JDK 1.1 core classes) or
> classpath-common | java2-runtime
> (of the library requires JDK 1.2+ core classes). Of course, dependencies 
> on additional libraries must also be added.
> Since both Kaffe and SableVM are more or less based on GNU Classpath we 
> can assume thet the library works with Classpath's core classes if an 
> application that uses this library works with either Kaffe or SableVM. 
> The Java Policy only requires a dependency on the runtime classes - and 
> these are well provided by /usr/share/classpath/ from 
> classpath-common now.
> What do you think?

I'm not sure if Kaffe is ready for that yet, since we haven't switched 
our core classes to GNU Classpath yet (but almost everything else ;), so 
we don't really use from classpath, yet. I'm switching us over 
rather gradually, Swing/AWT is next.

But if classpath-common means 'uses gnu classpath' instead of 'uses', then it sounds good to me.

dalibor topic