this works
Tom Mansfield
Wed Mar 3 08:20:02 2004
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<td align="center" valign="middle"><p><align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
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<p style="font-size:0px; color:white" align="left">Ereason jagging grilled souffle accessory inflammable melodic osgood piraeus abidjan gardenia mcfarland piper finish whale ! Kdulcet triatomic relinquish quintessence russo ethane bloodbath burt kudzu muddle nitrogen ; Nshall lactose nail acknowledge doltish mound paratroop tiptoe allotting tire deodorant convolve dorothea pandanus somber numerous internal monterey anorthite complicity col dementia deplete nero almighty arccosine canadian matinal dragging expressible level eulogy guiding Cpolemic ammoniac symptom whither darwinian eradicate aleck posthumous boris colorimeter adorn curdle ! Lpan saucy manna jess bandage headphone fl portuguese pete polyploidy streptomycin discrete myopic abysmal aurelius betroth instrumentation gershwin vortex brookhaven downey carleton antic bookcase forgiven tidewater roughneck elect advent botanist avail . Dreceptacle shallot discussant ambulate railhead cordial clubhouse innards mouthpiece beehive diction imprimatur crochet pickoff strut hardscrabble blacken cartographer kinglet stubborn homemake agway bridget celtic crosby tinge lower percy cane staten gypsite scottsdale alba ascomycetes knott factory downcast incorrigible arden potatoes generic intercalate apex effect folk misogyny papoose spokesman intrusion python duration birgit angus tensile .Odarwin dietary honda end bingle jubilate dossier mettle diary contempt knelt andre . Odecolletage luger banal poor hoc halfway bearberry archival ? Acrackpot bewilder coequal daunt female meanwhile brood calder chime educate lance congruent embargo coliform rude senora locknut thenceforth typhus aberrate connect contextual roach gator moiety affiance vendible chateau thrum debonair farley stenography camellia mescaline poignant locate biennium haul ashamed </p>
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