Bug#240245: NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/SAXException
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org>, 240245@bugs.debian.org
Fri Mar 26 07:24:01 2004
Jan Schulz wrote:
> I guess that ant isn't adding any XML jar because "everybody" is using a
> 1.4 JDK...
Your guess that Ant isn't adding an XML parser is correct but the reason
is that I don't want to make the choice for the users: Some users might
have an included XML parser (JDK 1.4+, free JVMs based on recent GNU
classpatrh versions), other might want to use a different one than my
preference (Xerces).
But I think I have to change this. Ant will otherwise violate the Debian
Policy because it does not work without setting CLASSPATH in some cases. :-(