Bug#240245: NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/SAXException
Damour, James A
"Damour, James A" <James.Damour@DFA.STATE.NY.US>, 240245@bugs.debian.org
Fri Mar 26 09:39:01 2004
I am 95% certain that I have libxerces2-java installed on my system (I
*think* that I just apt-get upgraded to the latest version from testing),
but I'm not on it right now, so I can't confirm it. When I get on it, I'll
confirm that I have this package installed, and I'll add it to my CLASSPATH
to see if it fixes the bug.
This could get me building again, but I concur that it's a violation of
Debian Policy if Ant won't run without specific environment variables being
set (http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-opersys.html#s9.9).
Jan, Ant has a dependancy on xerces. In what way are you *not* making that
choice for the users? I respect your desire for wanting to allow users to
choose which parser they want to use, but shouldn't the default install make
a default choice? Is adding a virtual package for Java DOM and/or SAX
parsers and updating the Xerces package to "provide" that package the
correct solution?
I'm sorry if I'm mixing up two distinct ideas (virtual package and
"provides"), but I'm a newbie to Debian packaging. I'm trying to learn,
however, as I want to be a DD someday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Arnaud Vandyck [mailto:avdyk@debian.org]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 10:09 AM
To: debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org
Cc: Debian Java Maintainers
Subject: Bug#240245: NoClassDefFoundError: org/xml/sax/SAXException
Hash: SHA1
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org> writes:
> Jan Schulz wrote:
>> I guess that ant isn't adding any XML jar because "everybody" is using a
>> 1.4 JDK...
> Your guess that Ant isn't adding an XML parser is correct but the reason
> is that I don't want to make the choice for the users: Some users might
> have an included XML parser (JDK 1.4+, free JVMs based on recent GNU
> classpatrh versions), other might want to use a different one than my
> preference (Xerces).
> But I think I have to change this. Ant will otherwise violate the Debian
> Policy because it does not work without setting CLASSPATH in some
> cases. :-(
Isn't Xerces2 in main? Maybe you can add xercesImpl and the jaxp api at
the end of the CLASSPATH when running ant?
- --
: :' :rnaud
`. `'
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