Bug#268786: libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java: does not install CatalogManager.properties file
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <stefan@gybas.com>, 268786@bugs.debian.org
Mon Oct 4 07:39:02 2004
severity 268786 normal
On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 06:47:58PM +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> Was there any progress on this bug since this mail? It seemed to outline
> a solution (although h not a patch). Will the package be fixed soon?
I have packaged Commons Resolver only because it is needed as a build
dependency for libxerces2-java. Commons Resolver works fine when
building Xerces so it is not completely unusable.
My time for Debian is currently very limited so I don't expect that I'll
be able to deal with this in the next weeks. Sorry, but there are more
important bugs in other pkg-java packages and CDBS that need to be fixed