Bug#268214: [PATCH] fix for RC bug

Alex Owen Alex Owen <owen@cus.org.uk>, 268214@bugs.debian.org
Sun Oct 17 05:55:02 2004

OK so people seemed not to like /etc/.java/.systemPrefs so here is a patch
which puts the files in /etc/java/systemPrefs and lets the binary JVM see
the files at /etc/.java/.systemPrefs by way of two sym-links:
  /etc/.java -> java
  /etc/java/.systemPrefs -> systemPrefs

I think we have discussed all the alternatives... Doing it without
sym-links is of course the "Right Way" but then the the "Right Way"
involves recompiling the JVM from source.... which we cannot do as it is
non-free! So the "Pragmatic Way" is to live with two sym-links.

I'm not trying to stop discussion but I would like to see this bug fixed
as it has been classed (wrongly IMHO - but that's another story! [*]) as
RC so is keeping this package out of testing.

Anyway here is the patch:

--- j2se.sh.orig        2004-09-13 08:14:26.000000000 +0100
+++ j2se.sh     2004-10-17 12:00:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -132,8 +132,14 @@
     # Problem: dh_installchangelogs thinks this is a native package.
     echo "    dh_installdocs"
+    echo "    dh_installdirs"
+    dh_installdirs etc/java/systemPrefs
+    echo "    Create conffiles"
+    touch $install_dir/etc/java/systemPrefs/.system.lock
+    touch $install_dir/etc/java/systemPrefs/.systemRootModFile
     # dh_install
-    # dh_link
+    echo "    dh_link"
+    dh_link etc/java etc/.java etc/java/systemPrefs etc/java/.systemPrefs
     echo "    dh_strip"
     echo "    dh_compress"

The pkg-maintainer can move some "."s arround if they think that
/etc/.java/.systemPrefs is the right place for the files and
/etc/java/systemPrefs should be the sym-link path!

I hope this helps resolve this bug...

Alex Owen

(NB: Anyone who has a package made with my old patch installed beware...
     you will need to purge and then install.)

[*] The package that when installed causes a violation of debian policy is
the generated package and that package is not in the debian archive.
Installation of that package is a SysAdmin modification of a Debian System
and so falls outside the remit of Debian Policy! (There is no point
arguing about this though as the bug has not been downgraded and a patch
to fix it is now there!)