Bug#267741: tomcat4: Tomcat 5.0.28 is out
Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez
Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez <rafa@dedaloingenieros.com>, 267741@bugs.debian.org
Fri Oct 29 04:54:02 2004
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El Viernes, 29 de Octubre de 2004 11:54, Arnaud Vandyck escribi=F3:
> Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:45:08 +0200,
> Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez <rafa@dedaloingenieros.com> wrote:
> > It is the same thing that happens to us. Java 5, Eclipse 3 and Tomcat
> > 5 are a must-have, and I'll hate to go for Fedora + JPackage for that
> > reason.
> JPackage is a great project and I think Debian could benefit a lot if we
> could find a way to integrate their work.
Sure, maybe some Debian representatives with spare time (I know that they=20
belong to extinguished species) can contact them to attract them to the rig=
side of the source.
BTW, I've used alien on Sun Java 5.0 RPM and it has done a wonderful job, e=
Java Webstart runs fine.
Greets, and thanks for making the best GNU/Linux distribution.
| Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez.
| Email: mailto:rafa@dedaloingenieros.com
| Registered Linux User: #45989
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"For every complex problem there is a solution that is concise, clear, simp=
and wrong."
(H. L. Mencken)
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