Update Your Infomation!!
Dennis Holmes
Dennis Holmes" <Oscar.Gill@austin.rr.com
Mon Sep 13 07:58:01 2004
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Dear Applicant,<p>
We received your application and we're happy to let you know that it <br>
has been approved. You qualify for a $400,000 at a 2.1% fixed rate.<p>
Please verify your information here: <br>
<a href="http://irdata.dealloan.info/e4/li.php?n5n=63">http://www.dealloan.info/e4/li.php?n5n=63</a><p>
We look forward to hearing from you.<p>
Dennis Holmes<br>
Account Manager<br>
ERILoan Inc<p>
<a href="http://infodealloan.info/r1/">re[move]</a><p>