Orphaning eclipse packages (asking here first)
Jan Schulz
Sun Sep 19 05:20:02 2004
Hallo Laszlo,
* Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi wrote:
> Anyway, a group of people may be better than one maintaining it.
Yes, thats true!
> Just looking into it; well, your rules should use a tab character
>before "# Lets install next to the old version" instead of spaces.
Arg, that was on of the last changes before uplaoding. I wanted to do
some more comemnts, so it's more readable.
i really should switch to ecmacs for coding...
>> few hacks in the package to work around cdbs shortcomings.
> Was the original rules so complicated? cdbs may tie you in several
>things when you have to be flexible for such a big application.
The original rules file wasn't so complex, but was split into several
places, as I used bash scripts o handle compiling and such things. So
the overall build sequence was even more a complex.
If you delte the swt rules, it gets better, but I didn'T want to
delete them as thy might be usefull for someone.
Nice greetings, Jan
Jan Schulz jasc@gmx.net
"Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."