[Michael Becke] [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 3.0 alpha2

Arnaud Vandyck avdyk@ressource-toi.org
Tue Sep 21 02:48:02 2004



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To: Jakarta Commons Developers List <commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org>,
        Jakarta Commons Users List <commons-user@jakarta.apache.org>,
        Commons HttpClient Project
From: Michael Becke <becke@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 3.0 alpha2
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 22:40:53 -0400
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The Commons team is pleased to announce the release of HttpClient 3.0 
alpha2.  At this point HttpClient 3.0 is feature-complete and is just a 
few issue reports short of being code and documentation complete. All 
of the important new features such as the new preferences architecture 
and exception handling framework are completely documented. We strongly 
encourage comment and criticism of the current API so we can have 
everything worked out by the first beta release.

Following this release the development effort will focus on stabilizing 
the 3.0 API and adding more documentation. Depending on on how well 
this release is received, as well as the quality and quantity of 
feedback, we are looking at an API freeze in one to two months time.

Please visit the HttpClient 3.0 Web site 
<http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/httpclient/3.0/> for more 

Thank you,

Commons HttpClient Development Team

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Arnaud Vandyck
Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting
February 26-27 2005,
Bruxelles, Belgium
