Collaboration with Debian-Java
Wolfgang Baer
Mon Feb 7 06:33:05 2005
Hi all,
I am new to the list, so here is a quick introduction.
My name is Wolfgang Bär and I am working on packaging Java GIS
(Geographical Information System) Software for the Debian-GIS project.
As I am not a DD and new to packaging - but eager to learn - I would
like to cooperate the Java GIS packaging stuff with Debian-Java.
I currently prepare GIS programs - but beside the normal program
packages there are also several non gis libraries to package first:
I am currently working on
vecmath - a free implementation of the java3d 1.2 vecmath library
jama - a java matrix library
jcifs - java cifs library
jogl - java opengl binding
I would like to add the non gis packages to the debian-java project and
therefore join debian-java as a member. As I am not a DD I would need a
sponsor for uploading to debian (when the packages are in a good shape
for sure). There are also some java packages in debian needing an
updated version for the gis programs. This is also an area where I would
like to work with you. I will also help in your effort to bring
java packages to main.
For information about the java gis stuff you can visit the wiki at:
There are currently no packages uploaded to debian-gis repository as I
would like to get some comments on my packages first from you.
You can get the jump gis program with its dependencies jts and jama and
also the vecmath library for review at:
jama, jts and vecmath are compiled with free java tools and can
therefore go to main. jump at the moment needs jdk1.4 - but I checked
the classpath cvs and there are all - except one - compilation errors I
got now implemented. So there is a good change jump can go into main
when a new kaffe package is uploaded in the future.
Thanks for reading,
and waiting for comments,
PS: If you want to discuss the packaging with me outside the list
you can also email me private !