Bug#285203: libgnumail-java FTBS
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
"Grzegorz B. Prokopski" <grzegorz.prokopski@mail.mcgill.ca>, 285203@bugs.debian.org
Tue Feb 8 20:39:02 2005
> I could not reproduce this failure, but the build still fails. I get:
> /tmp/buildd/libgnumail-java-1.0/build.xml:65: java.lang.NullPointerException
> where build.xml:65 contains '<tstamp/>'.
As a sidenote (because the bug has been moved to gjdoc), this particular
problem is probably a symptom of a default locale setting bug in sablevm-classpath.
This should be fixed on next upload of SableVM - to happen very soon.
Sorry for the troubles and thanks for your patience,
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@sablevm.org>
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