Mon Jan 24 02:41:13 2005
From: Marian Abacha
C/o Abba Abacha.
Tel: +234 803 3490495
I am MRS. MARIAM ABACHA, the windowof the late GEN.SANI ABACHA former
Nigerian military Head of state thatdied mysteriously As a result of
Cardiac Arrest. Since after myhusbands death my family is under
restriction of movement and that notwithstanding. We are being Molested.
Policed and our Bank Accountboth here and abroad are being frozen by the
Nigerian CivilianGovernment. Furthermore, my elder son is in detention
by the NigerianCivilian interrogation about my husbands asset and some
Following the recent discovery of my husbands BankAccount by the
Nigerian Government with Swiss bank in which the huge sumUS$700 Million
and D M450 Million Dollars was deposited, this is thereason have decided
to move the sum of US$10.5 Million Dollars which wassecretly defaced and
is sealed in one metal Box for securityreason.
I therefore personally, appeal to you seriously and religiouslyfor
Urgent assistance to move this money into your country where Ibelieve it
be safe since I cannot leave the country due to therestriction of
movement imposed on the members of my family by theNigerian Government.
You can contact me through my last son ABBA ABACHA on his Telephone
number and he shall arrangewith you for a face-to-face meeting outside
Nigeria in order toliaise with you toward effective completion of this
transactions.However, arrangement have been put in place to move this
money outof the country either Europe or Asia in a secret vault through
asecurity company here in Nigeria. who have affiliate offices in Europeand
Africa and as soon as you indicate your interest my Lawyer shallsend you
the Deposit Certificate of the Luggage and other relateddocuments so
that you can help to claim the Luggage.
Conclusively, we have agreed to offer you 20% of the total sum 70%is to
be held on trust by you until we can decide on a suitable
businessinvestment in your company and 10% for all incidental
expensesSubsequent to our free movement by the Nigerian Government.
Please replyurgently and treat with absolute confidentiality and
sinceritythrough the above E-mail address. You should note that even if
you arenot interested you should not let out this proposal to
anybodywhatever. You should urgently get across to my Attorney so that
he cangive you the necessary advice on the procedure and
requirements for this transaction.
Best Regards,
Tel: +234 8033490495