Bug#239361: As you already know, the vigara pro is here cremate
Gabriel Friend
"Gabriel Friend" <kzcqiruwfa@netcom.com>, 239361@bugs.debian.org
Fri Jul 1 17:41:01 2005
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The new and imprroved forumla of the vigara is
in the market and it is great. You can use it
and enjoy beter and enjoyful seex life.
See more.
ok i ve posted three times over the last two days and all of them are mia hm dunno what happened.
just wanted a little info about the town that has the same name as my maiden name i didn t think merkel was a very common name and never thought a town would be called merkel.
if you re not seeing anything different reload the menu bar then hit chat to load the new setup i think you ll like it.
an interest of mine now men were burnt at the stake and women and children and everything.
so i went to work tonite and now have nothing to do maybe i should get more friends so i can have more of a life.