Dearest Beloved
ommarh sherrif
Thu Jun 2 12:02:18 2005
=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22 cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3EDear Frie=
nd=2C =3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EAs you read this=2C I don=27t want you to=
feel sorry for me=2C because=2C I =3CBR=3Ebelieve everyone will die some=
day=2E My name is OMMARH SHERIFF=2C a merchant =3CBR=3Ein Dubai=2C in the=
U=2EA=2EE=2EI have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer =3CBR=3Ecaring =
for my health=2E It has defiled all forms of medicine=2C and right now I =
=3CBR=3Ehave only about a few months to live=2Caccording to medical exper=
ts=2E I =3CBR=3Ehave not particularly lived my life so well=2C as I never=
really cared for =3CBR=3Eanyone not even myself but my business=2E Thoug=
h I am very rich=2C I was =3CBR=3Enever generous=2C I was always hostile =
to people and only focus on my =3CBR=3Ebusiness as that was the only thin=
g I cared for=2E But now I regret all this =3CBR=3Eas I now know that the=
re is more to life than just wanting to have or =3CBR=3Emake all the mone=
y in the world=2E =3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EI believe when God gives me a=
second chance to come to this world I =3CBR=3Ewould live my life a diffe=
rent way from how I have lived it=2E Now that God =3CBR=3E! has called me=
=2C I have willed and given most of my properties and =3CBR=3Eassets to m=
y immediate and extended family members and as well as a few =3CBR=3Eclos=
e friends=2E =3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EI want God to be merciful to me an=
d accept my soul and so=2C I have =3CBR=3Edecided to give all the money i=
have left to charity organizations=2C as I =3CBR=3Ewant this to be one o=
f the last good deeds I do on earth=2E So far=2C I have =3CBR=3Edistribut=
ed money to some charity organizations in the U=2EA=2EE=2C Algeria =3CBR=3E=
and Malaysia=2E Now that my health has deteriorated so badly=2C I cannot =
do =3CBR=3Ethis my self any more=2E I once asked members of my family to =
close one of =3CBR=3Emy accounts and distribute the money which I have th=
ere to charity =3CBR=3Eorganization in Bulgaria and Pakistan=2Cthey refus=
ed and kept the money to =3CBR=3Ethemselves=2E Hence=2C I do not trust th=
em anymore=2C as they seem not to be =3CBR=3Econtended with what I have l=
eft for them=2E=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EThe last of my money which no on=
e knows of is the huge cash deposit =3CBR=3Epacked and deposited with a s=
ecurity company i will disclose the amount to =3CBR=3Eyou on confirmation=
if you are really willing to assist me with this =3CBR=3Etransaction=2E =
I will want you to help me collect this deposit and =3CBR=3Edispatched it=
to charity organizations=2Cchurches=2Cand motherless homes since i am =3C=
BR=3Eabout to die I have made it out for you to know that a total of 35=25=
of =3CBR=3Ethese funds shall be yours personally please respond with you=
r response =3CBR=3Efull name tel/fax numbers as soon as possible and don=27=
t let this out if =3CBR=3Eyou are not interested always let me know=2E =3C=
=3CP=3EREPLY TO =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Aommarh=5Fsherrif1=40ny=2Ecom=22=3E=
ommarh=5Fsherrif1=40ny=2Ecom=3C/A=3E=3CBR=3EGod be with you=2E =3CBR=3EOm=
marh sherrif=3C/P=3E=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan=
---------------------------------------=3C/span=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=
=22font-family=3Averdana=3Bfont-size=3A11px=3B=22=3ESOS Aldeas Infantiles=
=2E Ning=FAn ni=F1o sin hogar=2E=3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A//banner=2E=
ERESMAS=2ECORREO/aamsz=3DPIE=5FWEBMAIL=22 target=3D=22=5Fblank=22=3Ehttp=3A=