Bug#315038: Fixes for library issues

Josh Partlow Josh Partlow <jpartlow@opensourcery.com>, 315038@bugs.debian.org
Tue Jun 21 00:39:12 2005


These are the changes I needed to make to get the tomcat5 packages

The first problem seemed to be caused by a missing
commons-logging-api.jar in bin/ so I linked in the
commons-logging-api.jar from /usr/share/java.

After that, tomcat5 started, but applications were failing for lack of
classes for the jsp.api and then the Jakarta commons-el api.

I did three things under commons/lib:

 servlet.api was pointing to the 2.3 api, I changed it to point to 2.4:
ln -s ../../../java/servlet-api.jar .
 linked jsp-api.jar which was missing
ln -s ../../java/jsp-api.jar .
 linked in commons-el (which I had to install so current tomcat5 must
not be dependent on it...)
ln -s ../../java/commons-el.jar .

The index page now displays.

I hope the above is helpful.


Josh Partlow                               OpenSourcery, LLC
jpartlow@opensourcery.com                  www.osourcery.com