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Wed Mar 2 02:15:05 2005
=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22 cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3E=26nbsp=3B=
=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B =3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B=26nbsp=3B =3C=
BR=3ERef=3A NAS/941OYI/04=3CBR=3EBatch=3A04/06/MA34=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CB=
R=3EWINNING NOTIFICATION=3CBR=3EWe happily announce to you the draw of th=
e =3CBR=3ENational Lottery Promo International program=2C held on the 3rd=
=3CBR=3EJanuary 2005 in Dublin Ireland=2E =3CBR=3EYour email address was =
attached to ticket=3CBR=3Enumber=3A 77770064638 with serial number=3A 673=
45/04 drew=3CBR=3Ethe lucky numbers 12-8-9-11-12-5=2C which subsequently=3C=
BR=3Ewon you the lottery in the second category=2E=3CBR=3EYou have theref=
ore been approved to claim a total sum=3CBR=3Eof 2=2C000=2C000=2E00 Euros=
(Two million=2C euros) in cash=3CBR=3Ecredited to file pl/233376899/04=2E=
=3CBR=3EThis is from a total cash prize of 60 Million Euros=2C=3CBR=3Esha=
red among the first thirty (30) lucky winners in=3CBR=3Ethis category=2E =
In view of this=2Cyour money would be=3CBR=3Ereleased to you by our Bank =
firm in Europe =2E Our=3CBR=3EEuropean agent (Reality Agency) will immedi=
ately=3CBR=3Ecommence the process to facilitate the release of your=3CBR=3E=
funds as soon as they are contacted=2E=3CBR=3EAll participants were selec=
ted randomly from World=3CBR=3Ewide Website through computer ballot syste=
m extracted=3CBR=3Efrom over 100=2C000 companies and individuals=2E=3CBR=3E=
Thispromotion takes place annually=2E For security=3CBR=3Ereasons=2C you =
are advised to keep your winning=3CBR=3Einformation confidential till you=
r claims is processed=3CBR=3Eand your money remitted to you in whatever m=
anner you=3CBR=3Edeem fit to claim your prize=2E This is part of our=3CBR=
=3Eprecautionary measure=3CBR=3Eto avoid double claimming and unwarranted=
abuse of=3CBR=3Ethis program by some=3CBR=3Eunscrupulous elements=2E Ple=
ase bewarned=2E=3CBR=3ETo file your claims=2C please contact our agent=3A=
=3CBR=3EAgent=3A The Reality Agency=3CBR=3EName=3A=26nbsp=3B Mr=2E Paul E=
dward=3CBR=3EEmail=3A=26nbsp=3B =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Apaulyedward777=40=
=3CP=3E=26nbsp=3BTo avoid unnecessary delay and complications=2C Please=3C=
BR=3Equote your ref/batch numbers in any correspondences=3CBR=3Ewith us o=
r our designated agent=2E=3CBR=3ECongratulations once more from all membe=
rs and staffs=3CBR=3Eof this program=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EYours since=
rely=2C=3CBR=3EMiss Judith Cole=2E=3CBR=3EPublic Relations Officer=3CBR=3E=
National Lottery Promo=3CBR=3E=26nbsp=3B=3CBR=3EN=2EB=3A=3CBR=3E1=2EAll c=
laims are nullified after 10 working days from=3CBR=3Etoday=2E=3CBR=3E2=2E=
Your Ref number must be in all your mails with the=3CBR=3Eclaims officer=2E=
=3CBR=3E3=2EDo inform the claims officer of any change of names=3CBR=3Eor=
addresses=2E=3CBR=3E4=2EAll winners under the age of 18 are automaticall=
=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=3CBR=3EThe National lottery promo Awards is proudly=
sponsored=3CBR=3Eby the Microsoft Corporation=2Cthe Intel Group=2CToshib=
a=2C=3CBR=3EDell Computers=2CMckintosh and a conglomeration of other=3CBR=
=3Einternational IT companies=2EThe National lottery=3CBR=3Einternet draw=
is held quarterly every year and is so=3CBR=3Eorganized to=3CBR=3Eencour=
age the use of the internet and computers=3CBR=3Eworldwide=2EWe are proud=
to say that over 200 Million=3CBR=3EEuros are won annually in more than =
150 countries=3CBR=3Eworldwide=2E=3CBR=3EWe also encourage you to visit o=
ur website at=3CBR=3Ewwww=2Elotto=2Eie and take your chance to play and b=
ecome=3CBR=3Epart of our daily winners=2E=3CBR=3EMillions are won on a da=
ily basis on one of the=3CBR=3Eworld=27s most famous The National lottery=
Promo=2E=3C/P=3E=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan st=
------------------------------------=3C/span=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22=
font-family=3Averdana=3Bfont-size=3A11px=3B=22=3E=A1Viaja!=3Cbr=3E Disfru=
ta estos Puentes de las mejores vacaciones=2C vuelos y hoteles!=3Cbr=3E=3C=
a href=3D=22http=3A//banner=2Eeresmas=2Ecom/adclick/CID=3D00005eb4c858344=