Processed: Re: make-jpkg prints errors while processing blackdown JDK 1.4.2-rc1
Debian Bug Tracking System
Sun Mar 13 19:20:13 2005
Processing commands for
> merge 272970 266273
Bug#266273: java-package: does not build a complete package with J2SDK 1.5 Beta 2.
Bug#272970: make-jpkg prints errors while processing blackdown JDK 1.4.2-rc1
Bug#280707: java-package: building package with fakeroot creates an incomplete package
Bug#297868: java-package: make-jpkg fails to copy some files under package creation with Sun JRE 1.5
Merged 266273 272970 280707 297868.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)