Bug#298314: /etc/init.d/tomcat4 start fails; log says JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly
Barry Hawkins
Barry Hawkins <barry@alltc.com>, 298314@bugs.debian.org
Mon Mar 14 11:54:03 2005
Hash: SHA1
Herman Robak wrote:
| I tried solving it The Wrong Way by removing the JDK_DIRs I did not
| intend to use for Tomcat:
| JDK_DIRS="/usr/lib/kaffe"
| Yet, the last lines of the newest catalina<date>.log are:
| The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
| This environment variable is needed to run this program
| NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE
| Is somebody/something pulling my leg here?!
~ Wow, this one is a pain, huh? Just to test out, I successfully
started tomcat4 with a Sun 1.4.2 JDK, an IBM 1.3.1 JDK, an IBM 1.4.2
JDK, and kaffe on an x86 sarge install without issue. I was able to get
to the default page and the admin app.
~ Try installing a Sun or Blackdown JDK and tell me if your tomcat4
installation will work with that. If we can get a "known good" setup,
maybe we can figure out your issue. If that does not work, I would
recommend purging the packages and starting fresh. I am fairly certain
that it is not a bug with the package(s).
~ Another thing you might check on, although it should not affect
tomcat, is what your alternatives are set to for java-related aliases.
If you have free-java-sdk installed, you can run
/usr/lib/fjsdk/java-alt-setup as root to view these; just don't make any
selections unless you wish to change something.
- --
Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
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Registered Linux User #368650
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (GNU/Linux)