Bug#301186: marked as done (suggestions about packaging tomcat5)
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Thu Mar 24 14:44:06 2005
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Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:54:16 +0200
From: "Arturas K." <rgb@soften.ktu.lt>
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Subject: suggestions about packaging tomcat5
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I guess the reason there is no tomcat5 in debian is the one requires
jdk1.5 to compile, and as there is no one packaged in debian too... am I
if so, maybe my suggestion will be handy:
I suggest to package tomcat5 source code into package tomcat5-src, add
debianized build scripts and package the ones into tomcat5-package or
into the same tomcat5-src. add to both or only tomcat5-package
dependency to sun-jdk1.5 and there we go :)
installation procedure could be:
1) apt-get install java-package
2) download sun's binary jdk1.5 java distribution, build sun-jdk1.5
package, and install the one
3) apt-get install tomcat5-src tomcat5-package
4) build tomcat5 and all other packages, and install the ones we need
tomcat5-src package can have some scripts to suggest user rebuild
tomcat5 packages upon upgrade, if tomcat5 packages are found to be
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Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:22:18 -0500
From: Barry Hawkins <barry@bytemason.org>
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To: "Arturas K." <rgb@soften.ktu.lt>, 301186-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#301186: suggestions about packaging tomcat5
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Arturas K. wrote:
| I guess the reason there is no tomcat5 in debian is the one requires
| jdk1.5 to compile, and as there is no one packaged in debian too... am I
| right?
~ Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, Tomcat 5 does compile under a
1.4 JDK, but that is not the obstacle. The Java Packaging project for
Debian is hoping to release Tomcat 5 in the not-too-distant future.
- --
Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
site: www.alltc.com
weblog: www.yepthatsme.com
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