Bug#309903: bashism in javadoc - fixed upstream
Julian Scheid
Julian Scheid <julian@sektor37.de>, 309903@bugs.debian.org
Sat May 21 23:24:02 2005
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This is fixed upstream. Aside from bash and posh, the gjdoc start
script is now known to work with tcsh, ksh, pdksh, zsh, and sash.
Thanks for reporting this.
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Index: gjdoc.sh.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/classpath/gjdoc/gjdoc.sh.in,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 gjdoc.sh.in
--- gjdoc.sh.in 24 Apr 2005 12:56:26 -0000 1.9
+++ gjdoc.sh.in 21 May 2005 22:36:30 -0000
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
for i in ${1+"$@"}; do
- if [[ "`echo "$i" | head -c 2`" == "-J" ]]; then
+ if test "`echo "$i" | head -c 2`" = "-J"; then
len=`expr length "$i"`
vmparams="$vmparams '`expr substr "$i" 3 $len`'"