RFC: Package structure of ant

Wolfgang Baer WBaer at gmx.de
Tue Sep 13 10:21:15 UTC 2005

[CC'ing Jerry atm as I don't know if he is subscribed]

Hi all,

there were already some discussions about the package structure of ant.
A little bit on IRC and a privat email exchange between Arnaud, Jerry
and me.

I will transfer this now to the pkg-java-maintainers list ...

Currently ant source package builds:

ant - includes the scripts and the manual and the optional task jars
ant-doc - the javadocs

libant1.6-java (other source package) - the core tasks jars

What we want is to build everything from one source package.
However the binary package structure needs to be discussed.

I proposed to keep ant and ant-doc basically the same and just
splitt the jars out into library packages. One for the core tasks
and one for the optional tasks:

ant - scripts and manual
ant-doc - javadocs
libant-core-java - core tasks jars
libant-optional-java - optional tasks jars

Arnaud mentioned that the manual should be moved to ant-doc. This
however would result in a mainly only scripts ant package with only
a very small size ... This problem shows up regularly for example in
the wishlist bugs of libxalan2-java to provide a commandline script.
This however cannot be placed in the libxalan2-java package and a
xalan2 package just for the wrapper script is also not a good idea.

Another strcuture would be:

ant - scripts and core tasks jars
ant-doc - javadoc and manual
ant-optional - optional tasks jars

One problem in question is the java-policy. Is ant a program with its
own auxiliary jars or is it a library (which would mean we have to
name the packages libant... and could not include the core tasks jars
in the ant binary package). If I understand the java policy correct.

Please comment ...


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