Bug#357301: eclipse randomly crashes, usually at startup
Mon Apr 17 10:51:44 UTC 2006
I have tried eclipse again last week and it seems to work. It doesn't crash
anymore, altough I am still testing it. I have updated many packages in my
testing distribution since the last time I tried eclipse, so it seems to me
that the problem was in other package.
Important packages that I recently upgraded that could have solved the
problem are: j2re1.4, libstdc++5, libstdc++6, libgnomeui-0, libpango1.0-0,
libgcc1, libcsiro0, lsb-base, jikes, make, libdb4.4, .. Maybe if someone has
the same problem, upgrading your system may help.
So, it is OK for me to close the bug,
El Viernes, 14 de Abril de 2006 07:59, Stephan Michels escribió:
> 2006/3/16, César Enrique García Dabó <cgarcia at iac.es>:
> > I am trying to use eclipse in my testing/unstable system.
> > Each time I start eclipse with j2se it crashes randomly. Sometimes it
> > doesn`t go beyond the splashscreen, other times it crashes just after the
> > framework has been showed, and other times (not often) it crashes when
> > trying to open a project or a menu option. I append the error report file
> > created by java. Also a window is showed with the command line options,
> > I reproduced it below.
> > The java version used is:
> > Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (Blackdown-1.4.2-03 mixed mode)
> The stack trace seems to end at
> org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.formatting.AbstractKeyFormatter.format(Lorg
>/eclipse/jface/bindings/keys/KeyStroke;)Ljava/lang/String;+57 , which
> doesn't execute any native code. So I can exclude any problem which may
> occur with the SWT libs.
> I would assume that it is an error of your vm. As we do not support
> closed source software, you have to contact someone else.
> > I have tried with sable-vm, but it randomly get hang, without response.
> > I have also tried with kaffe, but it runs tremondously slowly and
> > finally it also crashes (I found no log file).
> I don't know much sablevm and it is known that kaffe is very slow. And
> a new package for kaffe 1.1.7 is not available ATM.
> I have good experiences with gcj and cacao, which you should try.
> As I don't see any bugs I can solve, I will close this report.
> Stephan Michels.
César Enrique García Dabó
Tf: (34) 922 315 361 Fax: (34) 922 315 032
e-mail: enrique.garcia at gtc dot iac dot es
C/Vía Láctea s/n
38200 La Laguna (Sta. Cruz de Tenerife) SPAIN
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