Bug#402603: tomcat5.5: blocks on startup until log pipe is read

Marcus Better marcus at better.se
Tue Dec 12 09:11:08 UTC 2006

>  Ah, so the situation is the result of your local configuration which
>  disables rotatelogs?

No, it's in 5.5.20-4 in the archive.

>  This might lower the importance of the bug (it's currently considered
>  release critical). 

I think we should release 5.5.20-2 which is in testing. It has no RC bugs, so 
there is no reason to try to push an update in now. (In the experimental 
5.5.20-3, I switched to running Tomcat under jsvc, and I expected that this 
could break things. That's where this problem crept in.)

>  It's usually to diagnose startup problems.

I propose that we add a debug mode, disabled by default, in which we send 
stdout and stderr to a regular file, or even the named pipe, and tell the 
user to read it manually.

In normal operation we ignore stdout and stderr. There is no reason for 
daemons to print stuff to stdout and expect someone tp read it, and the 
regular logging mechanism in Tomcat is excellent.
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