Bug#351729: (no subject)

Michael Koch konqueror at gmx.de
Wed Feb 8 20:43:47 UTC 2006

severity 351729 minor

Hello Alexander,

> I believe the "bug" is resolved with this. Do you know a way to work around 
> this issue? I don't want to mount /home executable. Do I have an influence on 
> where those things are written to? Why does Eclipse write Shared Libraries 
> and so on to /home?

I don't call this "resolved", I call this "analyzed". The OSGi part of
Eclipse unpacks the native SWT libraries somewhere where it thinks it
cat load the library. It's not possible to load native libraries from
inside jars. So it writes them to a configuration site. The default
writable configuration site is in


A solution to this solution would be to unpack the SWT jars and provide
them as a directory tree. We think about this for a longer time already.
Unfortunately it is not that easy to implement. I downgrade this to a
minor bug for now so we dont forget about it.

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