Other info: 349631@bugs.debian.org

Marcello Pucci califerno at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 16:10:54 UTC 2006


i raised  bug number 349631 in subject. It seem be solved for me,
changing recursivly ownership to the whole file into  direcory 

#chmod -R tomcat5.nogroup /usr/share/tomcat5/Catalina

However i met another abnormal situation, while attempting to create a
new server instance to test locally a webapp into eclipse IDE. It was
not able to read server configuration from /var/lib/tomcat5/conf .
It has been solved TEMPORARLU adding user which run eclipse into group adm .

Thanks for your attention.

Marcello Pucci

I apologize for my english.

On Skype (VoIP): califerno

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