Bug#372182: debian eclipse is much slower than original eclipse
Michael Koch
konqueror at gmx.de
Thu Jun 8 19:03:28 UTC 2006
On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 08:20:02PM +0200, Daniel R. wrote:
> Package: eclipse
> Severity: important
> I have had eclipse (downloaded from www.eclipse.org, directly) installed
> on my /opt/eclipse directory for some time, along with Sun's java 5
> (update 6) sdk (debian-packaged with java-package), and it worked correctly.
> The response time was acceptable.
> Yesterday eclipse packages became available to debian testing and I
> installed them. Of course, it also installed the corresponding GNU JVM
> packages debian-eclipse uses by default.
> Both versions of eclipse I had now in my machine were the same: 3.1.2.
> The only difference I noticed in UI was the memory / garbage collector icon
> in debian-eclipse version (not present in original one).
> I installed onto /usr/share/eclipse the same additional plugins I had
> installed and working in the /opt/eclipse version:
> - emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-2.1.2.zip
> - GEF-SDK-3.1.1.zip
> - jadclipse_3.1.0.jar
> - JEM-SDK-
> - VE-runtime-
> - wtp-sdk-R-1.0.2-200604280245.zip
> I removed all eclipse's configuration directories in my home account, and
> started it worked apparently correctly, but loaded and ran much slower than
> my original version. I tried changing the JVM used to Sun's JVM in preferences,
> rerun eclipse, but it did not solve the problem.
> I removed all eclipse's conf. dirs. again and started my /opt/eclipse version,
> and it run smoothly (as Java can be) as it always did. Therefore, I have
> uninstalled debian-eclipse packages, and the dependency-related GNU JVM
> packages.
> I guess there is a problem with the way debian-eclipse is compiled or
> configured.
> I think this problem is important for package's usability.
By default eclipse uses GCJ as runtime and I think you have forgotten to
install the need eclipse-*-gcj and libswt-*-gcj packages to make it
fast. Without these packages Eclipse is just interpreted as GCJ has no
JIT yet. And this is slow. Please confirm this makes it faster. An
alternative is to edit /etc/eclipse/java_home to prefer SUN JDK as your
runtime. This makes it faster too.
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