Bug#358712: Hints for changing thestart/stop level

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Tue Nov 14 14:03:58 UTC 2006

Hi Arnaud,

to change the update-rc.d invocation in the postinst script, add the
following line to debian/rules:

DEB_UPDATE_RCD_PARAMS    = defaults 90 10

that will start the script at 90 and stop it at 10 (on new installations).

If you want to change this on upgrades, too, do the following
(it will override admins modifications, see

Add the following block to debian/tomcat5.5.postinst in the "configure"

        if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl "5.5.20-2" ; then
            # force reinstallation of the init script due to changed
            # start/stop levels
            update-rc.d -f tomcat5.5 remove

This will remove the old links if this is an upgrade from before
"5.5.20-2" (which I assumed to be the first "fixed" release).

I've just tested this and it seems to work well.


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