Bug#412478: tomcat5.5: should load capability module if required

Adrian Bridgett adrian at smop.co.uk
Mon Feb 26 10:39:57 UTC 2007

Package: tomcat5.5
Version: 5.5.20-4

This is probably worth adding to the tomcat5.5 startup script.

# load capability module to prevent errors 
# http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=33154
modprobe capability >/dev/null 2>&1

If this doesn't happen then jsvc doesn't start on recent kernels if
capabilities are compiled as a module.  You have to set errfile adn
outfile to see the error:
23/02/2007 08:45:49 7517 jsvc.exec error: syscall failed in set_caps
23/02/2007 08:45:49 7517 jsvc.exec error: set_caps(CAPS) failed
23/02/2007 08:45:49 7516 jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value of 4


Adrian Bridgett - adrian at smop.co.uk
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