Bug#396636: What about non-PowerPC versions?

Moshe Yudkowsky speech at pobox.com
Mon Jan 8 22:37:09 UTC 2007

At 15:00 2007-01-08, Giuseppe D'Angelo wrote:
>severity 403381 normal
>found 403381 3.2.1-4
>reassign 403381 libswt3.2-gtk-jni
>merge 396636 403381
> > This bug exists on non-PowerPC versions as well, e.g., #403381.
>In fact I'm using eclipse on i386. I think that the two bugs are actually the
>same bug and their BR can be merged.
> > The work around, which is to install xulrunner and set
> > MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/ or perhaps
> > MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/libgtkembedmoz.so does not work in 3.2.1-3.
>In 3.2.1-4 this appears as fixed (eclipse uses the library
>in /usr/lib/xulrunner), however I still cannot use the internal browser.


Thanks for writing. I've done a lot of work trying to get this to run, and 
I think the bug is very subtle.

I got an old .deb of mozilla-browser (1.7.8) that still uses 
NS_InitEmbedded, and I placed  the entire unpacked debian into an entirely 
new directory (~/.eclipse/mozilla). I then set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to point 
to that directory that contains libgtkembedmoz.so, and started up eclipse 
-- and it still crashes and complains about NS_InitEmbedded.

I modified /usr/bin/eclipse to set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to an empty string. 
eclipse *still* crashes and complains if I make the mistake of selecting 
Windows -> Web Browsers. I think it might not crash at random, however.

There's something very odd here. And time consuming...

  Moshe Yudkowsky
  2952 W Fargo
  Chicago, IL 60645 USA

  Work: www.Disaggregate.com
  Book: www.PebbleAndAvalanche.com

  speech at pobox.com
  +1 773 764 8727

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