tomcat5.5 package

jhonyl at jhonyl at
Sat Mar 17 02:38:30 CET 2007

 I have installed tomcat5.5, and tomcat5.5-admin yesterday , and from there have strugled to use them. I have been put down by people at #tomcat at freenode for using debian's tomcat package since they are "broken and have been for years" I have been trying to deploy slide.war from the war file, via the /manager/html and via putting that file in some directories (/webapps) and restarting tomcat without success. I have been talking to people in #debian, but there wasn't one there who use tomcat from the package. I guess this package is broken. I would like to have your input on the subject. I am sure it will help me and all the other poor debianers who enter #tomcat and get the "oh no, not another one from that broken debian" look.  
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