Bug#476067: eclipse: FTBFS: build takes a very, very long time (or just blocks?)

Michael Koch konqueror at gmx.de
Mon Apr 14 10:15:11 UTC 2008

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 01:32:31PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> > install.eclipse.tar:
> >     [mkdir] Created dir: /build/user/eclipse-3.2.2/source-tree/tmp/eclipse/plugins
> > sbuild received SIGTERM -- shutting down
> > Killing dpkg-buildpackage subprocess 16883
> > ******************************************************************************
> > Finished at 20080414-0634
> > Build needed 00:00:00, 0k disk space
> >  ...killed.
> > DC-Build-Status: Failed 27805.127637s
> > DC-Time-Estimation: 27805.127637 versus expected 3379 (r/m: 7.22880368067476 ; m: 3379.0)

Does your build uses fakeroot? From my experience this only happends
with fakeroot. But its not 100% reproducible either. I looked into this
sometime ago and I'm really out of ideas for this issue.


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