[Eclipse effort] please review icu4j 3.8.1

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Fri Dec 12 07:22:02 UTC 2008

On Fri, 12 Dec 2008, Pantelis Koukousoulas wrote:

> There is already a package in https://launchpad.net/~rockwalrus/+archive
> so it would be nice if a debian developer can review this package and either:

Is there any description how to obtain *.dsc and *.diff.gz out of this
launchpad thingy?

>    * post the problems in this list
>    * fix it and upload it to experimental (?)
>    * fix it and post the updated debian files
> This way things can still go forward while research is being carried
> out on how to build/maintain packages
> for actual eclipse.

Sounds reasonable



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