Bug#491091: libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java: Tries to resolve from Internet when DOCTYPE of w3c-dtd-xhtml is used
Ognyan Kulev
ogi at triangle.bg
Wed Jul 16 15:18:01 UTC 2008
Package: libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java
Version: 1.1-7
I use commons-resolver for parsing XHTML Basic files. "prefer=public" is
used in /etc/xml/resolver/CatalogManager.properties but when XHTML Basic
file is parsed commons-resolver tries to retrieve DTDs from Internet. I
found that when the following lines are removed from all catalog.xml
files in w3c-dtd-xhtml, everything works as expected, without resolving
using Internet:
<!DOCTYPE catalog PUBLIC "-//GlobalTransCorp//DTD XML Catalogs
V1.0-Based Extension V1.0//EN"
I don't know if it's commons-resolver's fault or w3c-dtd-xhtml's fault
but it'd be good to be resolved.
I believe the problem is still present in unstable although I didn't test.
Ognyan Kulev
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