Bug#557723: [maven-debian-helper] cleaning auto generated files
Ludovic Claude
ludovic.claude54 at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 30 23:10:25 UTC 2009
Hello Giovanni,
I believe that maven-debian-helper 0.7 has fixed this bug, at least
there is some code in maven.mk to attempt to do this cleanup
# Detects that the files are created
cdbs_new_poms_file := $(shell test ! -f debian/$(DEB_JAR_PACKAGE).poms
&& echo yes)
cdbs_new_poms_filecdbs_new_maven_rules_file := $(shell test ! -f
debian/maven.rules && echo yes)
# Do the cleanup
cleanbuilddir:: maven-sanity-check post-patches debian/maven-repo
$(RM) -r $(DEB_MAVEN_REPO) debian/stamp-maven-build
$(if $(cdbs_new_poms_file), $(RM) debian/$(DEB_JAR_PACKAGE).poms)
$(if $(cdbs_new_maven_rules_file), $(RM) debian/maven.rules)
$(if $(cdbs_use_maven_substvars), $(RM) debian/*.substvars)
Tell me if this doesn't work well for you.
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