Package for gstreamer-java

Samuel Lucas Vaz de Mello samuelmello at
Mon Apr 5 02:10:42 UTC 2010


I'm developing an open source application that uses GStreamer using
gstreamer-java binding [1].

I would like to have gstreamer-java available in debian repositories,
so I will be able to just reference it as a dependency. I believe that
many other applications could use it too.

Gstreamer-java is already in Fedora repositories [2].

I have asked in the gstreamer-java development mail list about debian
packaging and the maintainers said that the main obstacle is the lack
of a debian maintainer. I have asked pkg-gstreamer-maintainers, but
they don't have expertise with java packages.

Is there anything I can do to help to make it into debian?

Thank you,

 - Samuel


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