Bug#569002: libmysql-java: Connection to OpenOffice.org failed
Mechtilde Stehmann
mechtilde at openoffice.org
Sat Feb 13 09:04:37 UTC 2010
Torsten Werner schrieb:
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Mechtilde <mechtilde at openoffice.org> wrote:
>> Under Squeeze i get the error message "Communications link failure."
> Can you explain that in more detail, please? What do you mean with
> 'Connection to OpenOffice.org failed'? How can we reproduce the bug?
You need a working mysql-server
I tried it with a mysql-server from stable.
there you need a testdatabase with a table
I installed libmysql-java at the client under Squeeze where also is
installed OpenOffice.org
Open OpenOffice.org Base
Choose "Connection to an existing database"
Choose MySQL in the listbox -> Continue
Choose Java Database Connectivity -> Continue
Input Database name and Database server -> Continue
Input User name and if password required -> Continue
-> Finish
then save this *.odb file
open this *.odb file and choose Tables
input your user name and password if required
then you get the error message
Dipl. Ing. Mechtilde Stehmann
## http://de.openoffice.org
## Ansprechpartnerin für die deutschsprachige QA
## Freie Office-Suite für Linux, Mac, Windows, Solaris
## Meine Seite http://www.mechtilde.de
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