True Relationships
John Wrider
Fri Feb 19 22:30:01 UTC 2010
A new recommendation for you based on your interests from the Premium Blog: "True Relationships"
Goodday...What is the key to having a great relationship with your significant other? Why do men and women have so many problems understanding what true love means? Why are marriages having problems. Can we find a more productive and lasting approach which will secure success? Does anyone have a defining description of the meaning of love? Could it be a quintessence of a dream? the elixir of life? or possibly the nucleus of living???? - Yes! Yes! Yes! True love certainly contains all these elements, however it becomes stressful when the "rubber meets the road"!
.# 1 - What do men need to understand?
Men are motivated by a sexual desire, by a desire not to be alone, by having children. Men must understand that sex is not love. The desire to have sex is not love. The desire not to be alone is not love. Even the desire to have children is not love. However these are important motivators to seek for the significant other we feel would provide our desires. What is the most important thing men must understand? That a loving woman/wife is the greatest gift a man could receive in his life-time. A loving woman is the gift who keeps on giving. (if you don't accept this - think of your mother) Once you accept all woman are the greatest gift the Creator has given to mankind, you may come to the realization that our females must be treated with respect, honor, appreaciation, and kindness. If you have a loving wife, please cherish her, please give her hugs, please write her a note of love. The rewards are more than worth it. Men have said they don't understand women! Praise God, if we could understand them, we would not be as attracted to them as we are. A 12 year old boy came home from school and told his Dad about a girl in his class. He told his father he now had a girlfriend. His Dad said that was nice. The boy said he loved his girlfriend. His father replied, "Son, it is OK to have a 'special' girl to spend time with. "Dad", the son exclaimed, "my problem is I don't understand her!" His father, with the wisdom of the ages replied, "Son it is not our job to understand them, it is our job to love them!"
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