Bug#589278: Pulls in a lot of dependencies (including ant and server libraries)

David Paleino dapal at debian.org
Fri Jul 16 15:50:56 UTC 2010

clone 589278 -1
tags 589278 confirmed
reassign -1 libjetty-extra-java
retitle -1 please split jetty-client into a separate package
affects -1 liboauth-signpost-java josm

On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 12:30:02 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:

> Hi,

thanks for filing this bug.

> liboauth-signpost-java is now a dependency of JSOM, a desktop
> application. Nevertheless, it pulls in a lot of dependencies:
> [..]
> It looks like libjetty-extra-java is the culprit here. This package
> provides jetty-client (which is what oauth-signpost requires, I
> presume), but also other libraries related to application servers, which
> in turn depend on libtomcat6-java, ant and lots of other stuff not
> needed on a machine running JOSM.

You're right, marking the bug as confirmed.
> Maybe you should consider choosing a different HTTP layer (according
> to the package descriptoins, several are supported)

For the moment, I'll just downgrade the dependency on jetty to a Suggests.

> or reassign this bug to libjetty-extra-java and ask for a a separate package
> with the HTTP client library.

It would be better to do that, I'm cloning this bug and reassigning it there.


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